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50-State Blog Network

Stephen Jones: Progressives Win Big in Las Cruces

November 10, 2011 by Democracy for N...

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Democracy for New Mexico

This is a post by contributing writer, Stephen Jones, of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Silva_small_miyagishimaSilva, Small, Miyagishima 

Mayor Ken Miyagishima handily defeated both of his challengers, and two incumbent City Council progressives, Councillors Miguel Silva and Nathan Small, were easily re-elected in the Las Cruces municipal election on Tuesday, crushing their Tea Party-backed rivals by lopsided margins. Joining Tuesday's rout over conservatives, Gregory Z. Smith, another progressive candidate, appeared to have narrowly won his contest as well.

Leading the sweep, Mayor Miyagishima won a second term as Las Cruces Mayor, garnering a landslide 60% of the vote against Councillor Dolores Conner, his closest rival, who took only 29% of the vote despite far outspending Miyagishima, and Michael Ray Huerta who captured 11% of the vote.

Rick Perry: Eliminating One Government Agency Too Many

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama

Is it possible that Rick Perry is even dumber than W?

"It's three agencies of government when I get there that are gone.  Commerce, education, and ... the uh, what's the third one there?  Let's see ...  The third agency of government I would do away with, the education, uh the uh ... let's see.  I can't.  The third one I can't.  Sorry.  Oops."


The Perry campaign has sent me 8 emails since 5 pm -- 6 of them attacking Mitt Romney.  A flurry like that is a sure sign something has gone to hell.  

God, Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.  At least Ronald Reagan memorized his lines.

Singled Out due to Alabama’s HB56

November 9, 2011 by Vivirlatino

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The ACLU has produced this video that shares the story of Cineo Gonzalez and his daughter who was given a paper in front of her entire class that explains HB56 in Spanish. When Gonzalez spoke with the principal asking why his daughter was receiving this information, the principal replied “they give this paper to all [...]

Ending Secure Communities and 287(g) in an Already Anti-Migrant State

November 9, 2011 by Vivirlatino

Vivirlatino's picture
Yesterday, almost civil and human rights organizations from across the United States, and a few international organizations, sent a letter to the Secretary of Honeland Security, urging her to stop deportation programs like 287(g) and Secure Communities in Alabama. Many of the signatories, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), had already been calling for [...]

Jefferson County Files for Bankruptcy, Bentley Whines About Lack of Leadership

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama


Out of alternatives to deal with $3.1 billion in sewer bond debt, Jefferson County Commissioners finally pulled the trigger today on the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history.  Eat our dust, .

Governor Bentley pronounced himself "extremely disappointed" with this development.

"We feel everything was put into place to save the county from bankruptcy and to help the ratepayers and keep this embarrassing situation from occurring in the state of Alabama," he said between interviews. "What we're going to do now is to try to control the damage to our state ... .

How the Climate Change Deniers Fudge the Numbers

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama

  The animation in the graph tells the whole story. I found this over at planetsave's website. (the best climate site on the web) Zachary Shahan describes it as "One of the best graphics I've seen. (ever.. on any topic)

one of the best graphics I’ve seen (ever.. on any topic).

Source: Planetsave (

one of the best graphics I’ve seen (ever.. on any topic).

Source: Planetsave (

Beason-Hammon Immigration Law has "No Unintended Consequences"

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama

The negative consequences of HB56 -- lawsuits, bad publicity, racial profiling, school absences, long lines, denial of water, power and sewer service, an exodus of workers, rotting crops, business losses, a

VA Tech becomes even more nuclear with new advanced nuclear programs

November 9, 2011 by ArticleXI

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Does Virginia Tech's Board of Governors know something the rest of Virginia doesn't about the potential for uranium mining in VA's southern region?

On Monday, VA Tech's Board of Governors gave the go-ahead to a proposed master's and doctoral degree program in nuclear engineering, paving the way for more trained workers in the nuclear industry in Virginia.

According to VA Tech, the proposed graduate and doctoral degree programs could start as early as 2013 if they are also okayed by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Of course, maybe these new programs are simply the result of existing market forces which will need a newer generation of trained nuclear engineers as the older generation heads into retirement.

However, the programs proposal comes at a moment in Virginia's political timeline when the issue of uranium mining in southern VA is to be decided next year.

Given this pending decision and Virginia Tech's ties to Virginia Uranium Inc.

Armistice Day to be observed Friday at Milwaukee City Hall

November 9, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

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Armistice Day program on Nov. 11

to feature speakers, music, poetry

Milwaukee Veterans for Peace will sponsor its third annual Armistice Day observance on Friday, Nov. 11, at 7 pm in the rotunda of Milwaukee City Hall. 

Ruth Conniff, political editor of The Progressive, will be the main speaker at the one-hour program, which will also include remarks by Iraq veteran Zach LaPorte, music by Robin Pluer, poetry by Harvey Taylor, and commemoration of Wisconsin's war dead.

Ruth Conniff covers national politics for The Progressive and is a voice of The Progressive on many TV and radio programs. Conniff was a regular on CNN's Sunday Capital Gang and is now a regular on PBS's To the Contrary. She also has appeared frequently on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and on NPR and Pacifica. Conniff's op-ed commentaries have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times. She also contributes regularly to Isthmus, Madison's weekly newspaper.

Armistice Day program on Nov. 11

How Mississippi Beat the Personhood Amendment

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama

Irin Carmon's How Mississippi beat Personhood is required reading for Alabama progressives ... and moderates ... and women of whatever political leaning. 

... doctors, clergy and average Mississippians started voicing their opposition and even forming their own opposition groups. There were plenty of out-of-state organizers and professional strategists on board, especially in the last few weeks, but no one could call the conservative Mississippi State Medical Association, the Episcopal and Catholic bishops, and a Southern Baptist minister in the Delta tools of Planned Parenthood. The two most visible activists against 26 were rape survivor and mother of three Cristen Hemmins, who put her name to the original ACLU lawsuit and starred in commercials raising concerns about the lack of rape exceptions; and Atlee Breland, who started Parents Against 26 to focus on concerns about Personhood’s effective banning of in vitro fertilization. Women like them made their own signs and YouTube videos, wrote lucid FAQs and argued with their Facebook friends who called them baby killers, in addition to canvassing and phone banking.

Cognitive Dissonance Dept.: Walker, other Wisconsin Repubs think conservative gun owners will have their backs

November 9, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

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Many progressives have spent much energy noting the enormous ambiguity in the Wisconsin Republican message on guns. That message, of course, is that it's now basically okay for citizens to carry concealed weapons into, among many other places, the State Capitol where Republican lawmakers work. Yet early in the year, Gov. Scott Walker and the GOP legislative leadership temporarily had metal detectors installed at Capitol entrances when protesters arrived to complain about the GOP union-busting bill and other goofball legislation. Keeping the metal detectors in place would kind of kill the concept of concealed carry, wouldn't it?

But from the knuckle-dragging region of the Republican mind, there's no inconsistency at all.

Immigration Law Backfire

November 9, 2011 by Left in Alabama

Russell Pearce (R) who sponsored Arizona's immigration law lost his Senate seat last night in a recall election.  It wasn't even close.

The Senate President of Arizona and author of the state’s hard-line laws against illegal immigration lost a recall election seen as a bellwether on “extreme” politics.


“There is a deep dissatisfaction in Arizona for what is viewed as politics in the extreme,” said Earl de Berge of the Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center, a nonpartisan polling company. Pearce “symbolizes a very hard-nosed view on conservative policies.”

Earlier this year Alabama Republicans chose to follow Pearce's extreme course on immigration, passing a law even harsher than Arizona's

Winner and Loser of the Day — Smith/West

November 8, 2011 by Kenneth

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Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Michael Smith — Elected as the first openly LGBT member of the Largo City Commission and defeated an extremist opponent.

Loser: Allen West — I think he may have intended to be sarcastic in this clip, but either way to bring up his association with a white supremacist motorcycle gang is stupid either way.

Honorable mention for winner, of course, has to be the labor movement, which won a massive victory in Ohio for themselves and for Ohio’s working families.

Election Night Open Thread - A Little Good News

November 8, 2011 by Left in Alabama

Actually, a lot of good news. 

Issue 2 went down big time in Ohio in spite of robocalls telling people to vote tomorrow.  This repeals John Kasich's (R) SB5 which eliminated collective bargaining rights for 350,000 public employees.

Charlotte, NC elected their first openly gay city commissioner.

Voters in Maine said 'yes' to Question 1, reversing a Republican law that ended same-day voter registration.

Virginians elected that state's first openly gay state senator.

A gay candidate defeated an anti-gay incumbent for a seat on the Largo, FL City Council.

Post of the Day — Bark Bark Woof Woof

November 8, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Eight Years:

Today marks the eighth anniversary of Bark Bark Woof Woof.

In this world of social media and rapid change, eight years is a pretty long time. When I did my first post on November 8, 2003, Facebook was still at Harvard and Twitter was something birds did. So far this blog has outlasted a lot of things, including any number of TV series, fads, fashions, and the George W. Bush administration. According to Blogger, this is the 14,250th post, all but one written by me. In that large a number, some of them have got to be lousy, but by and large I’ve been happy with the work and words that I’ve produced, and I have no plans to stop any time soon.

There’s more…

The Legacy of HB56 - Racial Profiling of Schoolchildren

November 8, 2011 by Left in Alabama

Racial profiling of American citizens -- it is happening in Alabama schools as well as on our streets.

GONZALES: I asked her why they give this paper to my daughter. What was the reason they give this paper to my daughter, and her answer was that they give this paper to all the children that appear like they are not from here. [...]

Far as I can see and far as I can feel, my daughter is being singled out and racial profiled and discriminated because of her color and race and origin from where they think she is from.

This is not an unintended consequence of the Beason-Hammon law.  Racial profiling was predictable, it was predicted, the Republican Legislature voted for this abomination anyway and Governor Bentley signed it.  Nothing unintended about this. 

From our files...

November 8, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

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Cleaning out the files, and ran across this email from May 25, 2006.  There is a name attached, but since I don't know whether that's who really sent it we'll just leave it anonymous, like most of this kind of emails we get from time to time;

Wait until the inside crap comes out on your buddy Doyle.

I’d be real careful if I were you.

The stuff on Doyle is going to make you look like a real horse’s ass.

But that’s all right. Keep wasting your resources on Green. He’s going to kick Doyle’s ass big time.

And you will be left licking your wounds.

By the way, you are not a big time player anymore!

Don’t cry baby!

I'm done crying over the 2006 governor's race.  How about you, pal?

Oklahoma Earthquakes and Fracking?

November 8, 2011 by Blue Oklahoma

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Image of Thomas Hart Benton painting

Is fracking related to the recent earthquakes in Oklahoma?

Well, it's worth an extended discussion, but don't count on the conservative corporate media here to go out of its way to cover the story just like it declines to discuss at any length whether climate change is responsible for the recent drought. In Oklahoma, as we all know, energy companies can do no wrong and there's no such thing as global warming.

Last Saturday, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 literally rocked Oklahoma and even surrounding states. Located near Sparks, in central Oklahoma, it was the biggest earthquake ever recorded in the state. This was followed by approximately 22 aftershocks. On Monday evening, the earth moved again, this time with a magnitude of 4.6.  Homes shook, people tried to find their footing and there was damage.

Public Employees & Privatization: Off the Public Payroll & On To The Public Dole

November 8, 2011 by Left in Alabama

In 2010, Michigan voters gave the governor's mansion and legislature to the GOP.  Now, they're finding out exactly what that means.  "Productivity, less government, tax cuts, etc." equal decreased social services, a badly tattered safety net, and private workers who make so little they qualify for food stamps and Medicaid.

Apparently determined to prove the truth of the axiom "if you can't be a role model, as least be a terrible example," Michigan has given us these two stories just in the past week:

Unable to pay its $4 million electric bill, Highland Park, MI tore out its streetlights.  That's right. The city didn't just turn them off, it tore them down.  Which raises the question of how much the demolition must of cost.... 

The ultimate Catch-22: To get a photo ID card to vote, you need -- a photo ID card

November 8, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

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So you need a photo ID to be able to vote to recall Scott Walker, or to be able to vote in the spring elections for local offices and judges?

Better start now, because the odds stacked heavily are against you.

It turns out that what you may need to get a photo ID in Wisconsin is -- ready for this? -- a photo ID.

Here's the Government Accountability Board's list of what is acceptable ID at the polls under the new law:

•A Wisconsin DoT-issued driver license

•A Wisconsin DoT-issued identification card

•An identification card issued by a U.S. uniformed service

• A U.S. passport

•An unexpired identification card receipt issued by Wisconsin DoT.

•An identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin

•An unexpired identification card issued by a Wisconsin-accredited university or college that contains the following: Date of Issuance, signature of Student, expiration date not later than two years after Date of Issuance.

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