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Florida Taking the Lead In Destroying American Education (Education)

November 17, 2011 by Kenneth

Kenneth's picture
Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Lee Fang at The Nation explains the gory details:

If the national movement to “reform” public education through vouchers, charters and privatization has a laboratory, it is Florida. It was one of the first states to undertake a program of “virtual schools”—charters operated online, with teachers instructing students over the Internet—as well as one of the first to use vouchers to channel taxpayer money to charter schools run by for-profits.

Survey shows fewer teachers, fewer student opportunities

November 14, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

Uppity Wisconsin's picture
Original Author: 
Sen. Kathleen Vinehout

Over the past two months I received numerous postcards with one main message: my public school has changed.

The stories shared came from all over the state: larger class sizes, fewer teachers and aides, fewer electives and core class sections, fewer reading and special ed teachers, fewer guidance counselors, fewer janitors and support staff,  longer bus routes, book budgets slashed, maintenance delayed, sports dropped or consolidated.

Results of a new survey of Wisconsin superintendents provide numbers to support the message on the postcards: Schools are losing teachers and staff. Programs are cut back.

Public schools suffered historic budget cuts. The state budget cut $1.6 billion from schools. Wisconsin ranks second in the nation in cuts to school aid per student this year.

In September superintendents across Wisconsin reported on actions taken in response to the deep budget cuts. Over 80% of superintendents responded to the survey, including all but two districts in the 31st Senate District.

Survey shows fewer teachers, fewer student opportunities

November 14, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

Uppity Wisconsin's picture
Original Author: 
Sen. Kathleen Vinehout

Over the past two months I received numerous postcards with one main message: my public school has changed.

The stories shared came from all over the state: larger class sizes, fewer teachers and aides, fewer electives and core class sections, fewer reading and special ed teachers, fewer guidance counselors, fewer janitors and support staff,  longer bus routes, book budgets slashed, maintenance delayed, sports dropped or consolidated.

Results of a new survey of Wisconsin superintendents provide numbers to support the message on the postcards: Schools are losing teachers and staff. Programs are cut back.

Public schools suffered historic budget cuts. The state budget cut $1.6 billion from schools. Wisconsin ranks second in the nation in cuts to school aid per student this year.

In September superintendents across Wisconsin reported on actions taken in response to the deep budget cuts. Over 80% of superintendents responded to the survey, including all but two districts in the 31st Senate District.

Walker's education plan is working!

November 11, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

Uppity Wisconsin's picture
Original Author: 
Steve Hanson

Yes, I know all the blogs are carrying info from the new report on educational changes in Wisconsin.  Here at Uppity Wisconsin we believe that a short video is worth a thousand words, and a heck of a lot easier to post. Here's a great example of the sort of logic we can expect from the new world of education in the state.

Also --

Walker's education plan is working!

November 11, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

Uppity Wisconsin's picture
Original Author: 
Steve Hanson

Yes, I know all the blogs are carrying info from the new report on educational changes in Wisconsin.  Here at Uppity Wisconsin we believe that a short video is worth a thousand words, and a heck of a lot easier to post. Here's a great example of the sort of logic we can expect from the new world of education in the state.

Also --

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