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September 3, 2008 by Steve Hanson

The Democratic Convention is over, and I'm home.  Have been for a few days, but life has been busy, trying to get things done like mow my lawn, fix the gajillion little things that go wrong when you're gone for a week, and getting back in touch with my business clients.  

It's been a slice.  I really enjoyed working with all the other RootsWire bloggers, and all of the general craziness that pulling together this site and my own blogging from the convention involved.  

But now it's time to look to the future and where we can go with RootsWire in the long run. We plan to start out with sites in Wisconsin, and then grow out through the rest of the country, starting with the blogs that have contributed to the Convention coverage.  We'll keep the 2008 Democratic Convention content as an archive - toward the weekend we'll stop aggregating new content into it, but we'll let people have a chance to get their licks in on the Republican convention as well.  

Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas!

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