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Wisconsin Politics

Fire National Parks Chief, Boycott Coca-Cola Brands

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
That's how you deal with the Parks Service capitulation to Coca-Cola by canceling a planned ban plastic bottles from sale at the Grand Canyon.

A disgusting turn of events, but fixable by the administration and consumers, beginning now.

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
Ted Perry, (no relation), Milwaukee TV anchor on Fox 6, gets off great Tweet:

Ted Perry

Three reasons Rick Perry won't be president. 1) Name of his ranch. 2) His debate performances....and ah...I'm sorry I forgot the third.

Perry's "Oops" Let's Cain Exhale, But Romney Keeps Winning By Default

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
Flip-flops aside, Romney continues to look rational if the comparison is with the terminally-flawed six-headed Tea Party monster:


And poor Huntsman.

Perry's "Oops." The Full Toast

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
The video.

Presidential debate toasting history.

GaffeMeister Perry's Brain-Crash Is Already On You Tube

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
though the poster didn't wait for "oops."

Ted Perry gets off great Tweet:

The GOP Debate Is Now A GaffeFest, And The Winner Of The Golden Gaffe Is...

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
Given the trouble he has brought on himself with serial disrespect for women, I thought for sure that Herman Cain had earned the Golden Gaffe for calling Nancy Pelosi "princess."

But then Rick Perry said he'd abolish three government agencies, could only name two, turned to Ron Paul for help and got none, thn admitted to moderator John Harwood he couldn't remember the name of the third agency, clapped himself on the head, and said, "oops."


On national television?

When it's your plan?

I think, there's your winner.

State Rep. Brett Hulsey, Others, Oppose Wasteful Bridge

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
Point to $700 million expenditure on the table while crucial infrastructure remains degraded.

The Wisconsin end of the bridge serves a very few people, say Wisconsin Democratic Reps. Hulsey, Berceau, Roys, Taylor, and others in Minnesota and Wisconsin:

The 30 legislators also say that funding the new bridge would sap resources from the two states that could be better used elsewhere. Says their letter:

Much more fiscally responsible alternative designs exist, and those savings could be invested in the many road and bridge safety improvement projects languishing all across Minnesota and Wisconsin. Furthermore, the alternative plan significantly reduces noise and air pollution and protects the environmental and recreational integrity of the Lower St. Croix River.
And it concludes:

A Stunning Newspaper Story - - In April - - About Penn State

November 9, 2011 by The Political E...

Original Author: 
(James Rowen)
Let's acknowledge good, yet overlooked journalism:
Posted: Sunday, April 3, 2011 11:55 pm | Updated: 4:34 pm, Mon Apr 4, 2011.
The Jerry Sandusky situation seems a matter of failure to connect certain dots, or perhaps unwillingness in that regard. Lots of people besides the former Penn State defensive coordinator have some explaining to do.
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