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Syndicate contentRon Johnson

Reality bites as Walker insists on regulations that Republicans call job killers

October 5, 2011 by Uppity Wisconsin

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Wait till Ron "Regulations Kill Jobs" Johnson hears about this.  WisPolitics reports:

Walker also defended the Revenue Department's decision to require additional permits for so-called "roll your own" cigarette machines amid complaints that some retailers are shutting down because of the regulations.

The governor rejected the argument that the policy was hurting businesses, saying the DOR decision provides certainty for all retailers in the tobacco industry.

"It's not picking winners and losers. It's applying what the law is," Walker said.

"What we hear from employers all the time … is they want the certainty of knowing what the law is, what the rules are, that they're applied universally and across the board," he added.

Funny, what Ron Johnson hears from employers all the time is that it's not "certainty" they want.  What they want is no regulations.

The idea that regulations are what's keeping businesses from creating jobs is as bogus as can be.  But it's become GOP gospel, and Walker says it, too.  Just not in this case. 

AFTERTHOUGHT: Maybe the question we should be asking is which of Walker's special interest friends and contributors is this helping?

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