Modified from the McCain on the Rocks Drinking Liberally drinking game
Palin on the Rocks:
The Official Drinking Liberally
Sarah Palin Convention Speech Drinking Game
Take a Sip when
She Says:
- faith
- Barack Obama
- abortion
- pregnancy
or when:
- She claims that "the media" is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being governor of Alaska
- She talks about the sanctity of life
- She makes a positive reference to Hillary Clinton
- She mentions Cindy McCain
rest of the game after the fold
Take a Gulp when:
- She claims that "the Democrats/Democrat party" is attacking her party
- She makes reference to being a beauty queen
- She uses a down-homey aphorism
- She makes a positive reference to Geraldine Ferraro
- She calls Obama a muslim
- She references her relationship with God
- She mentions the lack of a vetting process
Chug when:
- She claims that Joe Biden is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being a tv sports anchor
- She says that she "won't apologize" for something (e.g. her family, being who she is, being a christian, etc.)
- She makes a positive reference to Gloria Steinem
Celebratory Toast if:
- She forgets a line/stumbles through a line
- She tries a joke about her inexperience
Finish Your Drink if:
- She is replaced by Phyllis Schlafly
- She mentions VPILF
- She claims that Barack Obama is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being a secessionist and/or under investigation
- She performs an abortion on live television
- She makes a positive reference to Andrea Dworkin
Many of you might also want to get together to watch McCain's speech Thursday night. The Skylark already has DJs booked that night, but Scott says we're still welcome for that speech too. McCain's speech should likely also be sometime after 8pm local time. The Thursday event is also being promoted as McCain on the Rocks through the People for the America Way.
See ya!
Democratic Repesentative...
October 14, 2008 by Anonymous, 3 years 3 weeks ago
Comment: 65
woog --
September 3, 2008 by Steve Hanson, 3 years 9 weeks ago
Comment: 32