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Blast Off! Radio today at 4:00 pm EDT: Why do wingnuts still control American discourse?

September 21, 2009 by Kenneth

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Considering that the United States is pretty clearly split more or less evenly on ideological grounds, while polls repeatedly show that Americans — even many right-of-center ones — favor health care reform, same-sex marriage, and other so-called “liberal” ideas, it’s somewhat puzzling to me that the Radical Right still controls so much of what we see and hear on a daily basis. In the past — the ever-more-distant past — the minority would be able to state their positions, but more often than not a pat on the head and a “that’s nice, dear” would be about the only response needed. In 2009, though, the minority controls nearly every major media outlet and their often-insane rantings (against ACORN, gay rights, and the Scary Black Man in the White House, among others) not only are given credibility, but indeed they get their way far more often than they should (why the President is even giving them the time of day on ACORN is beyond me — so much for socialism).

Ohio Supremes: Slots Issue Should Go To Ballot

September 21, 2009 by Ohio Daily Blog

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In a stunning setback for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland's proposed VLT (video lottery terminal) plan, the Ohio Supreme Court today voted 6-1 that any plan to authorize slot machines at Ohio race tracks requires a statewide referendum (ruling available in full here).

The Governor, who had attempted to implement the plan via executive order, had argued that the slot machine gambling fell within the jurisdiction of the Ohio Lottery. The conservative-backed, however, successfully argued that the Governor and Legislature overstepped their authority in authorizing the plan.

Prior to today's ruling, the Governor had planned to have slots up and running by May, and the Legislature was relying on revenue from the machines to help balance the state's tottering budget by producing a projected $933 million in licensing fees and gambling revenues.

Today's ruling delays possible implementation of the slots plan until a referendum has been had, and orders Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner to accept and process petitions on the matter forthwith. now must gather signatures to repeal the slots referendum (which appears automatically via provisions in the state constitution).

Tuesday: Join MoveOn Demonstration to Demand Fairness from Health Insurers

September 21, 2009 by Democracy for N...

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From Terry Riley:
It is hard to know what is going on in Washington regarding the health care "reform." The latest from the Senate "gang of six" is very bad news. Rather than sit around and get mad and upset I am going to join a MoveOn demonstration, and I hope that everybody who reads this joins as well. We have to bring on the noise, make everybody hear that we know what we want and we need it now.

VIDEO : New AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka

September 21, 2009 by Ohio Daily Blog

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OhioDaily's interview with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka from Friday, September 18th at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Trumka is standing at the foot of a wind turbine built by union workers.

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer?

September 21, 2009 by admin

The US government says no. And, she said with dripping sarcasm, they have such a great track record with getting this sort of information right. Two words: Celebrex and Thalidomide.

The Senate held a hearing last week on whether or not cell phones cause brain cancer. I watched part of it. My two favourite parts were when the "scientists" turned out to be paid by the cellphone industry, and when it turned out that the standard applied by the Feds to whether the radiation is dangerous is predicated on the usage of a 200 pound man, with an 11 pound head, using his phone 6 minutes a day. Total. The standards were developed close to 20 years ago when that was probably the average user as cell phones were mostly for business, and it could cost $3/minute to talk on them. So usage was mostly male adults, using their phones only if absolutely necessary.

I watched this thinking about the preliminary European report I read in August. It had VERY different findings. It was one of those evidence-based medicine approaches I love so much: where they evaluate not only the data, but the legitimacy of the study which produced said data.

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