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Down to the Wire

August 20, 2008 by Steve Hanson

Man oh Man, what a month it's been.  This week I've been working like crazy on Rootswire (and look for a bunch of thoroughly untested changes overnight - nothing like making major changes to a web site right before leaving on a 1000 mile road trip), working on several client's web sites, posting to my own blogs, and trying to pack up all this equipment and stuff to go to Denver.  So basically, I'm doing a lousy job at everything, including finding time to sleep.  Did I mention doing interviews with people (some of which I've had to beg off on) sending out press releases, and trying to keep our lawn mowed?  OH - and pitching some stories to a major newspaper in England (more on that later).  

So if you see me in Denver and I look like I've been partying too hard- don't I wish.  It's just the lack of sleep. 

On top of everything else, traffic on this site has been going up at an alarming rate for the last few days.  Let's hope that those database optimizations I did last week do the trick, huh???


Best Managed???

October 26, 2009 by Old Acid Pen, 2 years 4 weeks ago
Comment: 84

It boggles my mind that the Dems are claiming that Virginia is the Best Managed State" in the country? How can a state in the hole one and a half billion dollars be best managed? Who says? What are the metrics?

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