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Democratic Convention Coverage is Stopping

September 13, 2008 by Steve Hanson

RootsWire is stopping its aggregation of the Democratic Convention.  In the future we will be bringing you more news from these and other bloggers, and increasing the scope of the RootsWire operation.  For the time being, however, we're going to stop collecting news on this stream, and will be starting on some new projects.

Our plan is to become a  collection point for news from bloggers across the Internet, and to help provide those bloggers with new tools and facilities.  

If you're a blogger or news provider and would like to participate, please let us know.  If you have ideas or suggestions, we'd love to hear those as well.  For the next month or so we'll be undergoing some revamping on the site, and you'll see the fire-hose of news slow to a trickle for a while.  But there's lots more coming.


Thank you to all the people who have read us over the last month - it's been busy.  We're going to keep the things that worked, and re-do some of the things that didn't work so well.  We'll talk to you again soon.

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