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Post of the Day — Bark Bark Woof Woof

November 8, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Eight Years:

Today marks the eighth anniversary of Bark Bark Woof Woof.

In this world of social media and rapid change, eight years is a pretty long time. When I did my first post on November 8, 2003, Facebook was still at Harvard and Twitter was something birds did. So far this blog has outlasted a lot of things, including any number of TV series, fads, fashions, and the George W. Bush administration. According to Blogger, this is the 14,250th post, all but one written by me. In that large a number, some of them have got to be lousy, but by and large I’ve been happy with the work and words that I’ve produced, and I have no plans to stop any time soon.

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Post of the Day — South Florida Daily Blog

November 3, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Saving the Constitution:

Did you hear all about the arrests made over the weekend by federal authorities of the 4 Muslims who were plotting to attack and kill government employees and disperse highly toxic ricin on public roadways in an attempt to create terror and kill large numbers of people?

Yeah, Fox News was all over it and all the right wing blogs were sarcastically writing about how Islam is the “religion of peace” and all Muslims are terrorists and…wait a minute.

No they weren’t.


That’s because the terrorists were actually 4 old, white guy militia members from North Georgia who were planning to do all the above to “save the Constitution.”

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Post of the Day — The Progressive Professor

October 28, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

The Growing Inequity Of Wealth In America: Unconscionable!:

The Congressional Budget Office confirmed this week what has been well known for quite some time: America has seen a concentration of wealth in the past thirty years as never before in American history.

Income for the top one percent increased 275 percent, while the top 20 percent went up 65 percent. At the same time, the 20th percentile to the 80th percentile went up about 40 percent, and the lowest fifth 18 percent.

The top one percent of income earners control as much of the nation’s total income as they had on the eve of the Great Depression. They had 23.94 percent of the national income in 1929 and 23.5 percent in 2007.

When one looks at the top one tenth of one percent, the richest of the rich, they controlled 2.8 percent of national income in 1913, when the income tax amendment was put into the Constitution. In 2007, the top one tenth of one percent earned 6 percent of national income.

Post of the Day — Kevin Cate

October 26, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Memo to Young Politicians re: Gay Marriage:

As a young politician, you should know better than your predecessors how fast social progress is moving. New York, Massachusetts, and even Iowa are currently trailblazing the path for same-sex marriage, marriage equality, or what historians will likely call, civil rights. According to every recent poll, a majority of Americans agree with their progress.

As a young politician (key word: politician) you need to be electable in ten, twenty, or thirty years. To do so, you can’t be on the wrong side of this (soon-to-be) history. If you learned anything in history class, it should have been that civil rights are worth risking an election over – especially if it means doing the right thing and making you more electable in the future. If you aren’t thinking that far ahead, you’re a bad politician.

Around the State (Round-up)

October 24, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

The most recent regular features and roundups from Florida progressive bloggers.

*Five tough questions for the week ahead | Saint Petersblog

*Capitol preview: What to expect this week in Florida politics | Saint Petersblog

*South Florida Daily Blog: Your Evening Sift

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