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Syndicate contentWinners and Losers

Winner and Loser of the Day — Smith/West

November 8, 2011 by Kenneth

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Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Michael Smith — Elected as the first openly LGBT member of the Largo City Commission and defeated an extremist opponent.

Loser: Allen West — I think he may have intended to be sarcastic in this clip, but either way to bring up his association with a white supremacist motorcycle gang is stupid either way.

Honorable mention for winner, of course, has to be the labor movement, which won a massive victory in Ohio for themselves and for Ohio’s working families.

Winner and Loser of the Day — Awake the State/Scott-Bondi

November 3, 2011 by Kenneth

Kenneth's picture
Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Awake the State — By all accounts, another round of successful rallies across the state were held this week. The organization is vital for the state in order to keep Floridians’ attentions on the bad things the Republicans in Tallahassee are doing.

Loser: Rick Scott and Pam Bondi — Rather than trying to find jobs or help Floridians, they’re wasting state resources going after welfare recipients.

Winner and Loser of the Day: Scriven/Hays

October 26, 2011 by Kenneth

Kenneth's picture
Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Federal Judge Mary Scriven — For at least temporarily striking down the Republican drug test

Loser: Alan Hays — For showing off the prejudice that so many in his party live by.

Winner and Loser of the Day — Seaman/Rubio

October 24, 2011 by Kenneth

Kenneth's picture
Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Ray Seaman — From an idea he had last year, a movement has grown to encompass tens of thousands of Floridians and an active and great training and action-oriented event this past weekend.

Loser: Marco Rubio — For Republicans like Rubio, lying is second nature and they believe so much in their own hype, they probably don’t even realize that what they are saying isn’t true.

Winner and Loser of the Day — Clemens/Scott

October 19, 2011 by Kenneth

Kenneth's picture
Original Author: 
Kenneth Quinnell

Winner: Jeff Clemens — He put forth a proposal to allow the voters to decide the fate of medical marijuana. Unlikely the legislature will pass it, but it’s still the right thing to do.

Loser Rick Scott — Wants to take federal money for education without complying with federal rules about how the money should be spent. In other words, he doesn’t want federal money but wants “credit” for pursuing it.

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